Sunday, May 30, 2010

Picnic in the Park

Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Waiting for the Game

I came home to a very cute sight. Anthony and LB were just hanging out, waiting for the Mets game to start. He had her dressed in full Mets gear.

Off to bed

Here is the little one on her way to bed last night. She was pooped!

She is almost too big for the bassinet, though I'll be very sad when she starts sleeping in the crib. It's only a couple feet further away but I love being able to see her at night. She's so cute in her jammies!

All smiles

Monday was a big day! It was Grandpa M.'s 79th birthday, our 2nd wedding anniversary, and my first day back at work. Luckily Leona got to spend the day with her Dad and Grandparents out on Long Island. Looks like she had a great time!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Back to Work

I sure missed this little face today! But her daddy did an amazing job, she's so lucky. ;)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Off to work

Here is a picture of Anthony saying goodbye to his girls before he heads off to work. Speaking of which, today is my last official day of maternity leave. So sad!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Last Weekend

Here are some lovely pictures shot by our friend Stephen from this past weekend. Leona met Stephen and Nicole's son Griffin for the first time and they seemed to hit it off. We also got to hang out with Melinda and JJ, who are expecting a little boy in October. Congratulations guys!!!

Enjoying her swing

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

No longer a newborn

The little one has officially grown out of her smallest newborn clothes, how sad! Here is a pile of little outfits that are already out of the rotation and about to be packed away. She seemed to live in one pair of brown pants for weeks so I'm not sad to see those go, but the tiny onesies I will miss.

Daddy Makes Her Smile

Nobody can light up Leona's little face like Anthony!

Too much Pink?

Leona is not picky about what she wears yet, though I wonder if she'll hate wearing pink when she is a teenager. My parents can attest that I would throw fits about wearing pink when I was younger and generally I would only want to wear black. We'll see if Leona will follow in her mama's footsteps, but for now she doesn't complain.

Hold it!

Leona's not terribly interested in holding things yet but we've started trying to tempt her. Sadly we aren't able to give her normal baby toys like stuffed animals and rattles yet since Josephine would go nuts. Instead we're giving her all the fun kitchen utensils we can find, like knives and corkscrews. Just kidding, more like wooden spoons and plastic spatulas. Here is a little video of Anthony, Josie, and I trying to tempt the little one into holding a spoon.

First Mothers Day

This post is a little bit late but my first mothers day was wonderful!!! Grandma and Grandpa Ward sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers from Oregon, and Leona gave me a lovely card and flowers too. She's so thoughtful. Then we had dinner in Long Island with Grandma and Grandpa Mastropietro. Grandma fed Leona a bottle for the first time, then we sat her on the table so she could be the center of attention during dinner. Though I guess in that picture she looks more like the main course. Ha!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

She's getting big!

Anthony and I set up a little photo shoot to see how Leona has changed since we brought her home from the hospital over 7 weeks ago. So we put on the same outfit from one of those early days and set her in the lamb chair to see a side-by-side comparison. Besides her face I think the biggest change is in her little round tummy! So cute. Here she is at 4 days old.

And here she is at 7 weeks 3 days. I wonder if she will still fit in this chair at 14 weeks. I know she won't fit into the outfit, it was a tight squeeze to get the shirt over her little noggin today.

Lazy Saturday

Our little family spent the day just hanging out in our jammies. Hurray! Here is Leona acting too cool for school.

And here she is napping through tummy time.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Baby it's HOT out

Yesterday we headed out to spread a blanket and spend some time in the park, but sadly it was way too hot for the pup! So we headed back inside to hang out in the living room instead. Here are a few pictures of little LB from our little picnic. Josie prefers to lay on the kitchen floor in this weather, and wouldn't join us on the blanket. :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Moving and Grooving

Leona's new thing in the morning after breakfast is sitting in her boppy and madly kicking her arms and legs while making loud noises. It's pretty hilarious.


Here is LB with her dad just before bathtime. She's beginning to become more alert and notice us and her surroundings, it's so fun to watch.

Grandpa's 60th B-day Party!

Grandma Nancy did a great job in planning Grandpa's big party, and we were so happy to be there. Here is Granny Leona Belle Ward meeting her great granddaughter, Leona Belle Mastropietro.
Here is Leona with cousin Carmen and her precious little one Reagan.
Thanks everyone!

A surprise for Grandpa!

Our little family trip to Oregon was actually a surprise for Grandpa Ward! We wanted to be there for his 60th birthday party, though I think he may have suspected our little plot all along. It was so great for Leona to meet all of her Oregon family. We had a wonderful time. Here are some highlights from our trip.
Meeting Aunty Amy!
Being the center of attention.

And relaxing with Grandma and Grandpa Ward.

First Flight

Well we made it to Oregon and back with a 5-week old, and the plane ride wasn't the nightmare we feared it would be! Leona only cried a little bit during the taxi, but she slept the whole rest of the flight. Hurray! She did great. It helped that the flights were pretty empty so we didn't have to share a row, and we brought her boppy pillow and made a nice little nest for her to sleep on our laps. Here are a couple of pictures from the airport before we took off. I was just happy to be eating dinner in a restaurant (even though it was in an airport!) And Anthony was dreading every second as you can tell. Now we know that LB is a good little traveler, and it was great for her to be out in new environments.