Sunday, March 27, 2011

Queens Zoo

Last week when my parents were visiting I took a couple vacation days so we could do fun stuff with Leona. We took her to the Queens Zoo one day and it was tons of fun! The best part is the farm section where you can get really close to horses, llamas, and goats. We all took turns pushing LB in her stroller and toting her around to show her all of the animals.

Birthday Party!

Last weekend we threw a little shindig for Leona's first birthday and it was awesome! There were two beautiful cakes, a great big banner, and even a talking rocking horse! (That last part was a sweet present from Uncle Doug and soon-to-be Aunt Liz.) It was so great that all four of Leona's grandparents could be together to celebrate such a big milestone. What a lucky little girl, and we're lucky to have her.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Birthday Swing

LB's actual birthday wasn't a total bore...contrary to her expression on that last set of photos. We went outside for a little swing action and she loved it!

Leona is 1!

Well so much has been going on it's hard to keep up! Grandma and Grandpa are here visiting and it has been great. We celebrated Leona's 1st birthday a couple days late so that we could be with the family on a Saturday. It was lovely. Here are a couple pick from her actual b-day, we picked up G&G at the airport and relaxed at home. I guess we were boring her. ;)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Big GIrl

Here's the little one about to pull all the books off the bookcase. Today I walked up the short set of stairs to her little bedroom and she followed me up! I also noticed that a bunch of the 12 month clothes I've been saving for her are tight on her! She's like the incredible baby hulk.

Dinner Time

Guess who is almost 1?

That's right, only a little over 2 weeks until Leona's first birthday! The countdown to Grandma and Grandpa's visit has begun. Woo-hoo!